Scripture Studies
Men's Bible Study Fellowship:
The Men's Bible Study Fellowship meets Monday evenings via WebEx. The men take an in-depth look at books of the bible. It is also a time to meet with other men and share a time of fellowship.
Women’s Bible Study:
The Bible study is on Thursday mornings. The Bible study consists of worship, the teaching of the Word of God, and group time. Discipleship and accountability occur as women commit to the study of God's Word.
Spiritual Growth
Bible Foundation Classes:
Classes on the foundations of the Christian faith. Over 20 Topics such as baptism, the Holy Spirit, the Trinity, and others are covered over a 10 week period.
Cards of Encouragement:
Cards are sent to those in the church body who are in need of encouragement.
Outreach Ministry
Provide support to missionaries sponsored by the church. Missionaries are located in Haiti, Africa, Mexico, and other parts of the world.
New Believers Follow up:
A ministry designed to help encourage new believers in their new Christian Faith.
Jail Ministry:
A group from the church body goes out each week to the local jail facilities to minister to men and women who are incarcerated.
Divorce Care:
DivorceCare is a safe place where caring people come alongside you as you find healing from the pain of separation or divorce. At this 13-week, video-based support group program, you’ll find helpful counsel to manage the emotional turmoil and practical tools for decision-making.
Children's Ministry
Sunday School:
Sunday school for children from infant to fifth grade provided by volunteers who teach the kids about their Christian faith. Sunday School is provided during every Sunday Service.
Worship Ministry
Worship Ministry:
Prayer Ministry
Men’s Prayer Meeting:
Once a month the men of the body gather to pray for the needs of the church body. Specific prayers are offered for those who request prayer.
Women’s Prayer Chain:
Have you ever had an urgent prayer request? Call the church office and let them know. There are women who will intercede on your behalf.
Support Ministry
Sound Ministry:
Using state-of-the-art technology and sound reinforcement equipment, this ministry's purpose is to work hand in hand with musicians to effectively lead the congregation in worship without distraction.
Ushers and Greeters:
The Greeters are servants you will see at each service in the foyer welcoming you to the service. The Ushers will help you find a seat or offer assistance.